06.09.2011 – Wij in Nederland hadden de musical ‘Herinnert U zich deze nog…”over Radio Veronica. En in Engeland
is de musical “Battle of the Giants’ zojuist in première gegaan, over Radio Luxemburg. Ach ja, de babyboomers worden oud, en steeds sentimenteler. In het Shaw theater
in het West End van London is de musical nu te zien. En omdat elke luiste- raar van Radio Luxemburg zo’n beetje Engels leerde met de radio op 208 hierbij in het Engels wat het theater erover te melden heeft: “Battle of the Giants – The Rock n Pop Years” is a musical comedy based around the iconic Radio Luxembourg show, putting a radio show on the stage, complete with jingles, commercials and 46 songs, all “Golden Clas- sics”, performed by our exciting young cast and live musicians. Luxembourg was the station that taught us how to spell K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M. “Battle of the Giants” is an interactive audience participation show with our visitors choosing the winning act from each performan- ce. Pre recorded links from Tony Prince, Emperor Rosko, Paul Burnett, Bob Stewart, and off air spurts from the legendary Kenny Everett – written by Todd Slaughter, Tony Prince and Paul Burnett.” De kaartjes kosten 22 pound.. sorry.. pond.